Wednesday, October 6, 2010


My doctor scheduled a c-section for the 13th. There is finally a light at the end of this pregnancy tunnel! I was so excited, I accidentally called him "hon" on the phone...that was a little embarrassing, but I quickly hung up and now I am just counting down the days ;)


Malerie said...

how exciting!
i can't wait to see pictures of the adorable babies!!!
good luck with everything!
are you guys still in your Foxboro Condo?
it rocks to be super squished in a house! :) we don't have twins, but we are crammed.

Amy said...

Whoa that's soon! Congrats!

Emily said...

Yeah! Next wednesday! That is fantastic new Michelle!

Linda said...

That is the best news I've heard all day! I just let out a sigh of relief on your behalf! You should be SO proud of yourself for hanging in there so long! Let me know how I can help!!

Laura Essig said...

eeeee... so how far long will you be exactly?? are you almost full term! girl you're amamzing, if I was in your situation, logan would have to quit his job so that he could give me contant massages, spoon feed me, and listen to all my complaints. hahahaha

Jon & Jen said...

Good luck to you. I hope that everything goes well. I bet you never thought it was going to end, but you made it. Now it's time to enjoy those sweet little babies.

Scott and Chelsey said...

Oh my gosh that's awesome! I can't wait!!!

The Nature Boy said...

Honey, when you drop a few dress sizes and you want to go out dancing all night long..then a little longer..give Slick Ric a call 'cause Space Mountain maybe the oldest ride but it has the longest line and goes all the way to the top.

monica said...

I'm glad they've been able to cook so long! I can't wait to see pictures of these little cuties.