No, I am not pregnant...and let's be honest, I show WAY before 20 weeks. So there is NO way I would know what we were having and you wouldn't know I was pregnant :) But, my sister is having her baby today and I couldn't be more excited...or more nervous...what do you even do with a boy? We have been drowning in barbies and princess dress ups for as long as I can remember. I guess we will have to learn about trucks or this little guy is going to end up playing dolls until he gets a side kick :)
yay for boys :) it'll be fun, just make sure you watch out if you ever change his diaper- I think one of the biggest differences between newborn boys and girls is that boys seem to want to pee EVERY time you change their diaper, and it shoots EVERYWHERE. P.S. I'm glad you're not prego, cause that would probably not be good for that little ticker you have, the one right under Macey's :) You have to stay un-prego cause you need to eat all day long with me, and I remember how sick you were with Macey!
So exciting!! Just look to Becks and KC for what you do with boys, they are the stylinist guys around!
hahaha... i totally thought you were preggers for a second! boys are fun.. i have a all sisters and we have all boys and at first i had no idea what to do but you learn soon enough! :)
Yay! I'm so excited to meet him! Boys are so fun...and so different than girls. Just get him a car and they just know what to do with it. Little boys are just naturals when it comes to making car noises.
Exciting! I can't wait to see the little guy!
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