Being quarantined to a room at Primary Children's that does not have it's own bathroom and having Zacc and I both get the Rotavirus and become violently ill in the middle of the night.
When we first were admitted because Macey had been vomiting and had diarrhea for two days, I was okay with the fact that our room didn't have a bathroom, after all we were just staying overnight. About one in the morning, Zacc started to get really sick and I told him to go home so he could at least be vomiting in the comfort of our own home, instead of the public bathrooms at the hospital. Zacc decided it was a good idea. I decided it was a bad idea when I started to get really sick at about 1:30 am. After about my 11th trip to the bathroom the nurses asked me if I wanted to move to a room that had a bathroom. They told me they had some available. I told them "No thanks, I don't want to wake my baby by moving rooms," but in my mind I was thinking, why didn't you give us a room with a bathroom in the first place if you have some available?
We are back among the living now and hopefully done with the plague. I hope none of you get's awful stuff.
The experience did make me EXTREMELY grateful for modern medicine and that I wasn't wondering if my baby was going to die. We have things so good and I need to remember to be more grateful for little good health :)
oh wow.. hope you are feeling better now. zacc and macey sure look super happy in that photo!
that story was much more intense in person! :)
I'm happy that all 3 of you are feeling better! Macey does look really happy for being sick! I can't get enough of her hair, i seriously love it!
I love that macey is smiling even though she's in the hospital... she's so cute!
I'm so sorry! Both Zack and Austin got rotavirus last April and had to be in the hospital. It sucks!
I'm glad you're all feeling better now.
Im so glad you are all feeling better! Those stupid immunizations, they are supposed to WORK.
hey! I had NO IDEA that you guys were up at the hospital!! You should have told me so that I could have come say "hi"! I work just next to Infant the "Real" Quarantine'd unit...the cancer floor...there are NO bugs there! I am so sorry that you guys had that happen! It is rotten, Rota sucks....i have had it before and it really is no fun! I am glad that you guys are home and safe....and I promise that Primary's is not really that bad!
i am glad everyone is doing better, it always sucks to be sick especially when you all get it at once! and i am one too who takes health for granted
I'm glad you're all ok!
i have circo binkies if you still need them!
Poor family. I'm so glad you all "made it out alive" Ü. I agree that it's completely wonderful to have modern medicine.
i got a B.O.B Revolution stroller.. LOVE IT! !00% recommend it! We missed you and Macee on the walk today!
And i do still have clothes left, i just have shirts and some pants/capris/shorts.
crochetting is a piece of cake. you should totally learn :) i just have to say... that daughter of yours is ADORABLE. she has cute smiley eyes!
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