-Roman Catholics, Evangelists, Mormons, and Christians all helped to pass the Propostition.
-Of the group of 50 people defending the Propostition at the Protest on the Salt Lake Temple, the majority of them were not LDS members.
So, If there were several groups of people in favor of Prop 8 what I want to know is...why all the hate for Mormons? I can understand the group being upset that it passed, but why are they singling out the Mormons???
I was watching the news broadcast of the protest on the L.A Temple and it seriously disturbed me. One of the main advocates to ban Prop 8, Lorri Jean, who might I add, is a "lovely" woman who resembles the mom from GOONIES and THROW MAMA FROM THE TRAIN

was freaking out and said that for every person who helps them in their efforts to defeat Prop 8, even by donating as little as $5, they are going to send a post card with the donators name to President Thomas S. Monson. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME LADY??? She was such an angry, unpleasant woman.
I just don't understand their logic. At the protest on Temple Square there was a sign that read "Mormons used to be persecuted, now they are persecutors." Riiiggghhht, because being tarred and feathered and chased from your home in the middle of the night is the same as someone using their legal right to vote against something they don't believe in...Nice analogy genius.
I am so sick of people picking on Mormons. Why doesn't the media ever show or make mention of how much the LDS church helps out when others fail to step forward. Why doesn't the media show the missionaries who go to remote villages in Africa and dig wells and help build homes and provide medical assistance to those who need it most? Where the heck is the media for those reports...oh, that's right, the are interviewing the few mormons they can find who side with the gays and lesbians to make the LDS church look bad. Well guess what folks, I am getting pretty sick of it. After Obama was elected the democrats came out and said "Okay, let's all work together and not be enemies and just be okay with the election turnout." Oh, so that's how it works if your President gets elected, but not if your Propositions don't pass...I see. What is this world coming to? It seriously scares me for my kids and what they are going to experience in their lifetime.
Amen!! I have been so bugged about all of this proposition 8 stuff. And I can't believe all the LDS people who are having such a hard time with the Church asking them to vote for it. Hello, do they think we should just accept something that is so so wrong. Crazy people. And I just got your text, if you still need Sandra's number just give me a call.
It is very frustrating that we have to coexist with such ignorance.
FIRST of all.... that picture comparison just made me laugh so hard I about fell off my chair! Such a good one!
SECOND I couldnt agree more. Nobody wants to hear about the good the church does... they want a scandal! There are no morals in media and its aweful.
Thank you!!! I totally agree....
Isn't so sad. The media thrives on negativity. Even with the War in Iraq you never hear about any of the positive things that have happened. The world is a scary place. But I guess as long as we are doing what we are supposed to there is no need to fear!
i think everyone has pretty much already said what i was going to (including about those awesome pictures). The Media is retarded... too bad no one can figure out a way to fix that.
AGREEEEEED! Nice post! Its making me crazy too! Anyway, Macey is just darling! I can't believe you are a mom! How are you cute girl? I miss seeing you at the bank! haha
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