Zacc and I celebrated our two year anniversary by going to dinner at the Mandarin. The food was fabulous, as always, and we had a wonderful time. I hear people rave about PF Changs all the time, but I would choose the Mandarin over PF Changs anyday. The only bummer of the deal is that I got really sick this weekend and couldn't take care of Macey, so my sweet husband took care of her all weekend. He has horrible allergies and took some benadryl before offering to wake up and feed her in the middle of the night. I felt so bad for Zacc, he was exhausted but took care of Macey without ever complaining so I could get some rest and start feeling better. The two of them were supposed to be having awake time together when I came around the corner to find this...

It was the cutest thing to see the two most important people in my life all snuggled up on the couch. My first thought was to wake them, but instead I decided to be grateful that I have a husband who is so willing to help and snap a couple of pictures instead.
When I think back about mine and Zacc's dating experience I can't believe how lucky I am that he stuck around. I was never one of those girls who fell head over heels in love on the first date and "just knew" we were supposed to be married the second I saw him. It took me a long time to decide that Zacc was the guy I needed to marry. Often times I think about how happy I am and what a great father and husband he is and wonder why he waited around for me to figure it all out. Well, I am not sure either, but I am sure glad he stuck around. Happy Anniversary Love, thanks for all you do and for loving me even when I don't deserve it...which is probably too often. I love you tons and am looking forward to many more anniversaries to come.